Well, I'm back blogging after a year long hiatus. Daily Dribblings started off with a lot excitement last year then slowly lost steam and should have been renamed, Dribbles Into the Abyss. As I quickly found out, its easy to start a blog but a lot harder to maintain. And just like any adventure into the unknown, planning is the key to realizing success. It takes discipline, dedication and compelling content to attract and keep the reader coming back for more. My goal is simply to become a better writer and provide interesting commentary to my readers.
In the upcoming posts I will weigh in on variety of interests such as movies, books, culture, science, the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and some additional fun stuff along the way.
I hope you come along for the journey.
Right here with you brother!
So what do you think about bicycle sales in Norway?
Great to have you back! I think there's one other thing a good blog needs, and that's controversy. Whether you create it or incite it! People are attracted to things that stimulate their emotions. Just like we love stories about cheating congressmen, "Octo-moms", or even NASCAR pile-ups in turn 2. You might try healthcare or net neutrality to start ;-) Can't wait to see what you come up with...Go Bulls!
Thanks for the comments!
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